22 November 2010
Weather in Sofia
Weather forecast for Sofia tells us to expect cloudy weather for 30-Nov till 01 Dec with temperatures varying from +4 to +12 (C) , followed by rain and snow fall on 2 Dec - temperatures varying from +9 to -9 (C), sunny, but cold on 03-05 Dec - temperatures varying from +7 to -7 (C), and cloudy on 06 Dec, having temperatures in the range of +5 to +9 (C).
In summary – a wide variety of weather conditions. We would recommend you take multilayer clothing to best fit your climate comfort. Data in the weather forecast is still very fuzzy, so as your departure date approaches, please check the up-to-date weather forecast for Sofia. Here is a site you may use:
See you soon!
The Organizing Committee
12 November 2010
Not really news, just a reminder. The extended deadline for registrations – 15 November 2010 is approaching fast! We will be glad to welcome many of you in Sofia!
The Organizing Committee