Ray Klinginsmith
RI President
RIPE Representative
Kalyan Banerjee
RID Sam Owori
TRF Trustee
John Germ
GETS, 30 November - 1 December
Information Seminar, 2 December, AM
TRF Seminar, 2 December, PM
Rotary Institute, 3-4 December

Government Residence "Boyana"-Sofia 
PRID Orscelik Balkan
TRF Seminar chair
RRFC Akin Gokyay
PDG Kalcho Hinov
GETS Training leader
PDG Safak Alpay
DG Krasimir Gantchev

Sam F.Owori
Sam F.Owori
RID / Convenor

Fellow Rotarians,

It is my singular honour and pleasure to invite you and your spouse to the Rotary Institute of Zone 20B which will take place at Government Residence “Boyana” in Sofia, Bulgaria, between 3rd and 5th December, 2010.

As usual, the Rotary Institute will be preceded by GETS between 30th November and 1st December, and Rotary Information and the Rotary Foundation seminars on 2nd December, 2010.

Accordingly, I am inviting all District and Club leaders as well as the New Generation in our Zone to participate as observers in order to have maximum sharing of information and for our Rotarians not only to appreciate the internationality of Rotary, but to interact with the top leadership of our great organisation.

We have selected an excellent venue for these Rotary meetings and negotiated incredible rates with the hotels.

Rotary International will be represented by the RI President Elect Kalyan Banerjee and his Spouse Binota, while TRF will also be appropriately represented by TRF Vice Chair John Germ. In addition, many past, current and future Rotary senior leaders will inspire us with their presence, experience and wisdom.

Bulgaria, the host country is located in South East Europe and we invite you while here, to take time off to look around. The warmth of Bulgarian hospitality is well known and the local Rotarians are looking forward to giving you an Institute you will never forget.

Let us meet together and plan to build Bigger, Better and Bolder Clubs for our organisation.

Warm Regards
Building communities, bridging continents
Sam F.Owori
Sam F.Owori
RID / Convenor